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Recipe Questions?
Please leave a comment directly on the recipe, so that we can reply publicly and it helps everybody! We are not always able to respond to recipe questions via email.
Sharing Our Recipes
If you share our work, that makes us very happy, so long as it’s done in the correct way where we are given proper credit! If we’re not credited properly, well that makes smoke come out our ears! All our work is protected by copyright law, so please follow the below guidelines when sharing our work.
Sharing Images Online:
If you wish to share an image from a recipe post, please follow these guidelines:
- The image must be credited to us and must link back to the original recipe post.
- Use only one image from a post. Do not use multiple images.
This is an example of one of our recipes shared on buzzfeed, and it’s exactly the kind of sharing we love to see!

This shares one image and links directly to the recipe that the image relates to.
Sharing Recipes Online:
- If you’ve been inspired by a recipe from our site and wish to make something similar yourself and publish it online, please credit the original recipe post as providing the inspiration. In this case, images must be your own, do not use our images for your recipe adaptation.
- Don’t copy and paste any of our recipes and post them online.
- We do not allow republishing of full recipes in any form.
If you share our content following the above guidelines, then there is no need to email us asking permission.
Sharing our recipes/images in a book or other printed materials.
This is strictly prohibited unless express written permission has been provided and licensing obtained.
Sharing our recipes/images in an ebook or any other type of downloadable format
This is strictly prohibited unless express written permission has been provided and licensing obtained.
Sharing our recipes/images in any format other than online
This is strictly prohibited unless express written permission has been provided.
Guest Posting
Sorry, we don’t accept guest posts on this website. Nor do we guest post on other sites.
Text Links/Link Exchanges
We do not do link exchanges for any reason. We also do not sell text links. Please do not contact us asking for a link.
Sending Us Free Products
Thank you, but we do not accept free products.
Advertising On Our Site
We are in an exclusive advertising contract with Mediavine, who handle all our advertising.
Sponsored Posts
Thank you, but we don’t do sponsored posts.
Just want to say hi?
Absolutely would LOVE to hear from you. Emails are always read, but can’t always be responded to (busy busy busy ). Send us an email on alison@lovingitvegan.com